Reiki Training Explained
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing system where the Reiki healer channels the energy that is all around us, universal energy, to go where it is needed and help promote healing and balance. It is non religious, which means anyone from any walk of life or faith can study and practice Reiki. It can be used in all areas of our lives and most importantly, begins with healing the self! From there we can help to bring healing to our family, friends, pets and even our food!!! There is nothing that cannot benefit from Reiki healing. More and more people are feeling the call to learn Reiki as we step into this new enlightened ascension period of the earth.
There are many different systems of Reiki and although I was attuned in the traditional Japanese Usui Reiki to Master Teacher Level, I have been attuned to several different Reiki styles, and developed my own style of healing; working with the energies of the elements, Elemental Realms and the Universe. I use ritual and elemental energies, sound and crystals, herbs and flower essences to pass on the attunements, which are Sacred Initiations.
It is said that Reiki finds you, and that the right Reiki teacher comes along when you are ready. If you feel drawn to learn more about this, please contact me for more information, or for a Reiki healing session.
Reiki training is in 3 stages. The first level being the one where you are opened up to the energies and begin healing yourself and family etc. Many people stay at this level and that is enough. Level 2 is Practitioner level, where you will be qualified to give Reiki to paying clients, and level 3 is Reiki Master Teacher level, where you will learn the final Master symbol and how to teach Reiki. Please see the separate sections below for more information on each of them.
I like to run my courses as a small group of two to four (max), as it is a wonderful experience to be attuned with another, and you create a bond that is quite special, as well as it giving you more confidence, and connection, which is after all what Reiki is about – sharing the love!! however, some people learn better alone, or maybe the Universe has decided that that is the way you need to learn, or you wish to work to specific dates or time frame and so can’t wait for a course date, so if you wish to learn any of the Reiki Levels on your own, as a 1 to 1, however I run these during the week rather than a Saturday as the group trainings are – message me for a chat if this resonates for you.
Level 1: Initiate Level. 1 Day course at £165.
You will be taught the origins and history of Reiki and your Reiki lineage. I will also go into detail about energy, the chakras and give you the knowledge to ground, centre and protect yourself and cleanse your space energetically. I will tutor you on meditation and how to connect to Reiki energy, to your guides and helpers, how to become aware of energy and how to give a Reiki treatment to yourself and others. This level will give you the gift of Reiki healing energy and the ability to heal yourself, your friends, family, pets and the environment. You will receive your first Reiki attunements in a sacred ceremony, opening up your connection to Reiki.
Reiki 1 is very much about self healing, opening up to the energy and becoming confident in using it.

Level 2: Practitioner Level. 1 Day course at £225.
This level will deepen your connection to the Reiki energy, giving you the symbols to work with and the tools to enable you to set up your own Reiki Practice. We “turn up the power”, as the new attunements and symbols increase your psychic and spiritual awareness, and you will be qualified to charge for your Reiki and call yourself a Reiki Practitioner. I will pass on as much knowledge as I can to you, giving you the benefit of my years of experience as a Reiki therapist to ensure you leave feeling confident and empowered to take your energy work to the next level and become a Reiki practitioner.
Level 3: Master / Teacher Level. 1 day course. £350. (for those wishing to be attuned to the Master symbol only and not learn how to teach, half a day, £120)
Once you reach this level, Reiki, – working with energy in all it’s wonderful myriad of forms, will be a way of life for you. You will be strengthening and deepening your connection to Reiki , working with energy and healing in a very meaningful way, which may be very different from the way in which you worked when you became attuned in level 1. This is a very intensive 1 day course which will see you achieve the Master Teacher level. I have split this course up into 2 different ways of learning. Having the attunement to the Master symbol only is very much focused on deepening and strengthening your connection to reiki and your guides, receiving the final attunement and fully becoming one with reiki and can be done in approximately half a day. The full day gets very intensive and will focus on how to teach and become an effective reiki teacher, how to give the attunements and set up and support your own students. Not everyone wishes to become a teacher, and so this course is broken down so that those wishing to become attuned to the Master level and it’s symbol but who don’t wish to teach can do so as a stand alone process, and those who wish to become teachers and learn how to give attunements will complete the full day. If you do only the Master attunement with me, but at a later date you wish to learn how to become a teacher and complete the rest of the day , that is fine, and can be done at any time after you have had the Master attunement.
I believe in allowing people to develop their own styles and way of working with the energy, being somewhat a “maverick freestyler”! All things evolve, and for us to become the best we can be and effective teachers who are working authentically and with integrity, we need to be allowed to evolve our own styles, – I aim to encourage you to do that, by helping you to explore your own ways of doing things, but at the same time honouring the energies of the Reiki tradition.
Time between attunements
There are as many different types of Reiki and ways to study it now as there are Reiki Masters!, and you have to be guided by your own intuition and find the right way for you, trusting the Universe that it will all unfold the way it is meant to. For my students, I believe it is important that there is a period of at least 3 months between your attunements, and longer between level 1 and level 3. This allows for the energies to be assimilated, for any initial healing to take place, and for experience and confidence to be gained.
“Power-up” attunements, Refresher Days and Reiki Workshops and Reiki Shares
Once you have been attuned to Reiki, that is it, it never leaves you! You have connected to the Universal Source Energy and that can never be taken away from you, and the more you work with the energy, the stronger and more connected you become, the more you develop spiritually. But sometimes people get out of the habit, or feel that they need to have that connection reignited, and so you can have a re-attunement at any time. This can take place by attending any Reiki Level again, although proof of having received the desired level attunement previously will be needed.

If you feel you need a refresher in any of the levels and wish to redo them, as long as you have proof of having done them before you can attend any of the Reiki courses for half price, or one of the many different Reiki Workshops or Reiki Refresher Days that I hold, all of which are designed to deepen your connection, give you confidence to work with the Reiki energies, revisit the symbols, learn new ones or use other tools such as using Reiki with crystals, colours, sound, such as singing bowls, tuning forks, Shamanic drumming or the pendulum, as well as giving you a “power-up” re-attunement. And of course you can always do any of the levels in its entirety again.
Once you have done any form of Reiki training with me, you have the opportunity to join the private Facebook and messenger Reiki Group, and connect with other Reiki people, to learn about Reiki shares and how to set up your own, which are a valuable way of keeping your Reiki skills and energy sharp and connected.
Please contact me for more details on these or any other enquiry you may have.
It is such an honour and privilege to share this most beautiful energy that is Reiki.
Much love
Client Testimonial
"Sam was amazing! The treatments I’ve had have been incredible and among the best I’ve received. The therapy room is a beautiful calming environment and the warm heated bed you lay on is beyond comfy, making you feel relaxed straight away. With Sam’s expertise and knowledge the students learn so much and can further their own knowledge through Sam’s teaching. Highly Recommended. 5 stars x"