Welcome to my first blog, on my first “professional” website. As you will see, if you decide to read on, and join me in my journey and future blogs, I am never usually stuck for words, but the pressure to do a really great and memorable first blog was so overwhelming that I didn’t know what to write about…. do I talk about all the therapies that I offer, or the training that I do… then there’s the Reiki, and not to forget the herbalism and the incredibly important Soul Midwifery?.
There is a vast amount of information “out there” in the virtual world, so many well meaning and knowledgeable (and some not so much!????) people offering advice on what I should be doing, saying, writing.. “if you want to have a successful business you must do this, present it that way, have this app, be on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube” ..my head was spinning with it all… and never being one who conforms or does what people expect of me, I decided to stop looking at all of that, to take the pressure off myself and to be ME, just write SOMETHING! …it won’t be perfect, but then I’m not, and who is? We are all works in progress, and mostly what I believe passionately above all else is that we all have the power within ourselves to be better every day, to develop ourselves as people, and a big part of being able to do that is to say “stop”… get off the treadmill of what people think we should be doing, or saying, and start to listen to our own inner guidance. Many of my clients hate this time of year… for all the usual reasons… dark cold dreary days, cold and flu viruses everywhere, we’re all feeling overindulged and guilty due to the festive season, money is tight, we start to deny ourselves all the things we were enjoying last month. We feel we should be joining the gym, cutting the carbs, giving up meat/alcohol/dairy, throwing ourselves back into work so we can book that summer holiday, being bombarded with images and messages of what we are told we want and need, whether we knew we wanted them or not!
But actually, as we move through these dark days of deep winter, what we should be doing is hunkering down… turning our attention within, listening to our own inner voice …. what do you really want to do? Just because we are told we should be doing something, it doesn’t mean that we have to, that its even right for us. Winter is the perfect time for exploring our deepest innermost thoughts and desires. .. Imbolc, an ancient festival marking the first signs of spring, is only a few short weeks away, this will be the time for planting ideas, sowing the seeds of inspiration….but until then, I shall turn within and look to my inner voice to see what it is that I really want to happen with all of this, what do I want to say?
And so with that in mind, I’m leaving this blog as I am presenting myself… a work in progress. It will ever evolve, its not finished, its not perfect, it just is.
Brightest blessings, Namaste.
Sam X????????????